POLVAS registry

POLVAS registry (https://2katwew.cm-uj.krakow.pl/POLVAS/ )

The POLVAS registry established in 2015 is a multicenter study of adult patients diagnosed with various types of vasculitis. Their clinical and laboratory data are collected now by 10 referral centers (16 clinical wards) from 8 Voivodships inhabited by approx. 65 % of the Polish population. Specialties of the wards include: rheumatology (10), nephrology (2), metabolic diseases (1) and clinical immunology (1). The POLVAS registry consists of two parts dedicated to a/ retrospective and b/ prospective observations. Today the cohort includes a total of 1100 cases (950 AAV, 120 GCA and other). Diagnosis of vasculitis was based on clinical manifestations, serology and histopathology findings. Classification of AAV into the three entities (GPA, MPA and EGPA) is based on the Chapel Hill Consensus Conference (CHCC). Following data are systematically collected using a common protocol: demographics, clinical, laboratory, radiographic, pathology, and treatment details. Additionally, information on renal involvement, relapses, patient’s survival, and death are constantly updated.