On 20 January 2023 the representatives of the FAIRVASC consortium had the opportunity to meet once again at a plenary session and discuss both the progress of the work packages so far, but also the next steps of the cooperation.The host of the meeting was the JUK team, which hosted the meeting in the Conference Center of the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. During an afternoon meeting delegates discussed: preparation of reports for local institutions, deliverables, dashboard development, FIT/HIT/QIT cooperation, analysis of AAV data – clustering, aspects of predictive modeling, planned dissemination and future perspectives for the FAIRVASC project.

In the second part of the meeting we had the opportunity to meet representatives of registries that plan to join FAIRVASC in the future, in an onboarding training session where the FAIRVASC team shared knowledge about many aspects of participation in the project. Representatives of registries from Austria, Turkey, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Australia and the Netherlands took part in the training. After introduction of the FAIRVASC vision from the project coordinators, the FAIRVASC technical team then presented a description of the concept of the Semantic Web and FAIR Principles, and practical “how to” guidance for onboarding of a registry to the FAIRVASC consortium. This included data quality assessment, ethics and data governance considerations, a description of the FAIRVASC ontology and the FAIRVASC cycle for data harmonisation. The final part of the onboarding session focussed on a live deomonstration of more technical aspects and a question and answer session.

The FAIRVASC team had the opportunity to provide many tips for registries starting their journey with FAIRVASC, which were informed by our first 3 years of technical development of the project. We are happy that we could present know-how to future team members, are open to contact with other registries interested in onboarding to FAIRVASC and are looking forward to the future meetings and cooperation!