This two-day international webinar is composed of a multi-professional faculty reflecting the multi-systemic nature of vasculitis and autoinflammation. Vasculitis: From cell to service ( The FARVASC Team members – prof. Augusto Vaglio, prof. Mark Little, prof. Neil Basu, prof. Benjamin Terrier, Julie Power and dr Matthew Rutherford will present various […]
Yearly archives: 2021
Within FAIRVASC Workpackage 2 (WP2) will capture the legal and ethical environment of each registry, patient perspectives on data sharing and re-use, and also the national and international legislation and regulations that apply to FAIRVASC. D2.3 is the final in a series of deliverable describing information governance compliance across the […]
The FAIRVASC consortium held its second plenary meeting on 05 July 2021 (delivered online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic). Project partners from 8 countries presented updated progress on the FAIRVASC project and summarised the significant achievements within each work package in the first year of project activity. In WP1 a […]
We are moving towards the first version release of the FAIRVASC infrastructure. We have designed a couple of very simple queries for this and now want to start designing the overall FAIRVASC queries that we envisage being available to FAIRVASC users. This is heavily informed by clinical knowledge, so we […]
The FAIRVASC consortium warmly welcomes collaborating PI Professor Louis Aslett to the FAIRVASC team! Prof Aslett is an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University. He has particular research interests in development of methodology at the interface of cryptography and statistics to enable secure […]
On 11 Jan 2021, the FAIRVASC Consortium met for the second time since the project started. In our first Plenary meeting (delivered online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic), partners from 8 countries presented their progress on the FAIRVASC project. In particular updates were provided on the status of FAIRVASC registry […]
FAIRVASC Technical Coordinator Professor Mark Little recently presented the FAIRVASC project at the EUVAS and UKVAS meetings on 02 and 12 Nov 2020 where our exciting project was warmly received.
The FAIRVASC project held its first (kick-off) meeting over 2 days (03rd and 09th June 2020). All partners were represented, and the meeting was chaired by FAIRVASC Coordinator Professor Augusto Vaglio of Meyer and Professor Mark Little of TCD. The meeting took place virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the lack […]
Peter Verhoeven (chairman Vasculitis NL) writes about FAIRVASC in the magazine (Vascuzine) of their Dutch patient organization. Please find both the Dutch and English versions here